Cherry Blossom CC
Cherry Blossom Child Care

Where your child can bloom!

About the Provider


My name is Amiee and I am excited to tell you about me and get to know you!  


I worked in the medical field for over ten years, and when my previous day care provider let me know she was closing her business, I was heartbroken.  Over the years, she had come to feel like family and when I decided to open my in-home day care, I knew I wanted to be that for you.


I work closely with the parents to make sure we have a great plan in place for your kids.  I provide snacks and meals each day, and I am very conscious of food allergies since I deal with them with my own children.  Just let me know of your child's needs. 


I love living in Southern Michigan and I am proud to be a part of this community.  I can't wait to hear from you!

Typical Day's Schedule